Friday, November 25, 2011

The Leather Carry On is Making A Comeback

The leather carry on has always been a practical, stylish, and durable means of carrying, protecting and organizing documents, books, gadgets and other travel essentials.  Travelers could settle in to a long flight, making their time more productive and the flight seem shorter by  opening a book, pulling out a lap top, pursuing important documents,  and /or playing games on their cell phone.  

The traveler was then ready to leave the airport and by-pass long lines waiting to retrieve checked luggage. The person keeping business appointment was ready to walk from the plane to the taxi, to the appointment , in style and with all their work remaining organized and protected. That all changed when America was attacked by terrorists on 911.

 The increased security demands required travelers to check more luggage and carry on fewer travel necessities.  The Transportation and Safety Administration experimented with amounts of liquids, that could be carried-on, banning personal hygiene utensils such as safety razors and nail clippers, and so on.  They banned any liquids for a while and then determined a method of "3-1-1." Lines formed as the TSA requested that travelers arrive two hours prior to a flight so they could pass through the extensive check-in process.  Lines of weary travelers had to wait to take their already-checked luggage to the scanners, while TSA personnel loaded the heavy bags onto conveyers to go through ex-ray and gun powder sensing scanners.

Within the past few years, several airlines have discovered they can bait and switch by advertising low air fares and subsequently charging for checked  bags.  More than a few travelers wondered if the government was attempting to boost the travel industry by making it difficult to carry-on luggage and personal items. Check before you book your flights to determine if your carrier does charge for checked luggage.  While you are determining that, ask how much the weight limit per checked bag.  You might have to pay $50 to $175.00 per heavy suitcase.  You can purchase on-line, a luggage scale.  It is worth the effort and low initial cost of under $20.00.  Allow for at least a 5% margin of error, as the scales at check-in might weigh a little heavy.
Once again, travelers are realizing they can choose the right leather carry on, organize it efficiently, and breeze through security checks at the airports. Call or search on line ahead of time to determine if your carrier charges for carry on items, and their size restrictions.  Make sure you pack it according to TSA requirements.  Then organize and your documents, gadgets, laptop or cell phone in a leather briefcase, portfolio, carry on bag, backpack, satchel or duffel and enjoy your flight.  Leave the plane and connect with friends and family, business appointments, or vacation in style and comfort. Finding the leather carry on is the right choice for those who want to carry, organize, and protect their travel essentials in style, with a product that will improve with age.

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